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TDA:GO #1 Page 1

For the record I don't speak Czech, so I'm open to translation suggestions!


Over on Patreon, GLOAMING #4 page 4 is up! Carter wishes Baxter would be a little less cryptic! http://patreon.com/gloaming Small-town horror stories for your delectation and amusement! Art by Kyohazard Illustration #horror #comics #indiecomics

Episode 6: The Cavity Creeps are Attacking Toothopolis

We’re getting so skilled at this podcasting thing that Michael was able to completely vanish for entire minutes and the show proceeded with nary a hitch! Just kidding; the opposite of that. And while we weren’t having bolts of electric criticism lobbed at us from the heavens, we discussed How To Get Started With Your Comic–so stop getting started with your comic and give it a listen!