Previously, Baxter attempted to lecture Carter on how Gloaming "works."


PANEL ONE: BAXTER makes an “all of this” gesture with his hands.

Naw. This is all part of it. I don’t know how, but it is. This is the way Gloaming works: you can only see what you need to see. Everything else is just… well, let’s say you don’t really notice it.

PANEL TWO: CARTER studiously pays attention to BAXTER.

So my thing led to your thing?

You found Tommy’s picture at the school. He was a Bliss boy, yeah? And now our paths have joined. I’m telling you, man, you gotta keep going.

PANEL THREE: CARTER puts a determined look on his face.

I’m not quitting. There’s some next-level shit here, and it seems to have made the whole world forget the existence of a superstar. I wanna know why.

PANEL FOUR: BAXTER looks measuringly at CARTER.

If you’re sure you wanna know, Mr. Carter…

PANEL FIVE: DOUBLE-WIDE panel. CARTER and BAXTER do a macho dude hand clasp, each committed to solving this mystery.

Damn sure, Mr. Baxter.

Then let’s work this out.

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