PANEL ONE: CARTER is rigid, in shock. BLISS smiles brightly- a hideous look - and is perfectly cheerful and well-mannered.


My name is Brandon. I’m a student here at Porter’s.

PANEL TWO: BLISS’s face looks...blissful… as he talks excitedly about the school re-opening.

Oh, I do hope the school will be re-opening soon!

CARTER (narr):
The voice doesn’t belong to a child. It’s the voice of a cold, dead throat come back to life.

PANEL THREE: BLISS extends a hand to shake CARTER’s. CARTER stares at it.

CARTER (narr):
And then it extends a hand.

Pleased to meet you!

PANEL FOUR: CARTER takes the hand; looking like ants are crawling all over his skin, obviously creeped out.

CARTER (narr):
The flesh is cold, but the grip is strong. I feel as if there are ants crawling up my arm. It’s all I can do not to scream.

Ah, er, pleased to meet you…?

PANEL FIVE: A Chucky-like transformation as the kid smiles evilly.


Brandon BLISS.

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Gloaming #4: Page 9

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