Buy Me a Coffee, Wiki Wiki Wow

Silly title today– just enough to capture the essence of the couple of new things I want to talk about.  If you look to the right, on the column that goes down the side, you’ll see this new button:  “Buy Me A Coffee.”  It’s a really cute set-up from the folks at that helps artists and creative folks accept contributions once in a while in a spur-of-the-moment, don’t-tie-me-down way without having to commit large sums to a Kickstarter or monthly amounts to a Patreon (though you can do that, too). Feel like contributing to a Canadian Independent Comic Creator today?  Simply click on “Buy Me A Coffee” and donate whatever you wish! (Full disclosure: I will probably actually buy at least one coffee if you contribute. Creativity needs fuel, after all!)

I’m also really pleased to announce the inclusion of Two Gargoyles on the Canadian Independent Comic Book Wiki.  These folks — and you can follow them on Twitter as @cancomicswiki — are doing great things to increase awareness of, and build a stronger presence for, Canadian-created indie comics. I’ve already listed my whole library on there, and will be adding character bios for all my characters once I begin receiving the art for each character from the incredibly talented Jeremy Thew. (Hint: the Buy Me A Coffee button helps with that, too!)

I’m very excited about the work I’m doing with Two Gargoyles in 2017. I think this is the year where I go “next level” and learn more, do more, create more, and most importantly, get the work out to more people. I’m really looking forward to having you all on the journey with me.


August 31, 2016


I’ve made a promise to myself that I will now begin to make posts every Wednesday, to connect with my readers and keep you all abreast on what’s happening in the Twogargs world!

The indie comics world (at least for Twogargs) is never static; there’s always something going on!  Books are being either written, drawn, inked, colored or lettered before being published; merchandise is being created and produced in an effort to subsidize the aforementioned books; conventions are being attended to promote the books and the brand: fighting for that all-important recognition in a sea of talent and creativity.

It’s a rush.  There’s really no other way to put it.  Each time something gets completed, I feel like an actor who’s rehearsed for weeks, finally getting that two minutes of applause at the end of that night’s show: it makes it all worth it.

I have two “current” books:  The second issue of my horror comic, Gloaming, is complete and indeed is available to read online (one new page per week) on the site: to start at the beginning.  (If you haven’t yet read the first issue, then start at )

The second is Spectrum, an LGBT teen superhero comic.  I wanted to debut this at Pride-Con this year but a) the con was cancelled and b) I couldn’t get it coloured in time.  What I did do is create a special “convention preview” issue, all in black and white, to introduce folks to the comic while waiting for the colour version to come out.

Those black and white issues are only available from me at conventions; once the colouring (done by the fabulous Gav Heryng — is done, I will begin to publish the pages here on the site just as I do for all my other comics.

However, my Patrons get to see a sneak preview of the comic!  If you haven’t considered supporting indie comics before, this would be a great way to start– for as little as a dollar a month you can see the first three pages of the comic, plus more in-progress behind-the-scenes stuff every month! Check out !



lilthunderconstructExciting news from the office of Two Gargoyles!

Thanks to your support, I’m working on a new webcomic series to debut soon here on the website.  The working title is “Lil’ Wings Playschool,” and it’s meant to be an all-ages accessible comic for the whole family.

One of the things I enjoy most about being a writer is the ability to dip into different genres; to be able to write horror, parody, superheroes, slice-of-life as well as family fare.  I guess you could say I adore versatility, and am always striving to challenge myself to ensure I can maintain that!

Two Gargoyles will be attending Pride-Con in Anaheim on the weekend of July 29th; I’ll be debuting Spectrum #1, our LGBT superhero comic there.  I’m very excited about it!  It will also be the convention debut of Gloaming #2, thanks to some last-minute printing miracles by the good folks at Ka-Blam.

PrideconH-RGB-300x101As I said, I love writing many and varied genres of story; but in order to make them into comics, I need to hire artists and that takes funding– which is where you, my generous fans, come in.

Thanks to Patreon, I’m able to offer you the opportunity to subsidize independent creativity in comics by helping me get my creations out to you, the readers.  $1.00 a month is enough to get you “behind the curtain” to see all the upcoming events before they’re published on the site, and larger donations earn you rewards!  But the biggest reward of all is knowing that you’re directly feeding the independent creative market– helping the little guy.

The Two Gargoyles Patreon is available at . Please take a moment to donate, and share the news with friends.  Even friends that don’t normally read comics might enjoy reading something non-mainstream, something that concerns itself with storytelling more than, say, toy sales.

And don’t forget– there are new comic pages every week on — Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday!

In gratitude,




That’s right– Twogargs now has a Patreon!

Hi Folks! My name is Michael McAdam, and I’m a writer.  I love comics, and I have been writing them and publishing them on my site, Two Gargoyles Comics, ( for years.

I believe in the diversity and creativity of the independent creator:  I have created comics like Thunder, a half-Norse, half-Canadian superhero; Gloaming, a horror series about a small town with too many secrets; Twilight Detective Agency, a stone-faced gothicomedy about two gargoyles trying to be detectives without being discovered as being inhuman; and Diaperman, a zany comedic parody of the superhero genre itself.

All of these titles are fun to write, but aren’t sustainable without your help!  By becoming my patron, you will be the one to help these projects continue; fund and shape new content, and contribute to the indie art scene in a very real, tangible way.

Supporters will get first-view opportunities of upcoming projects, access to private content, and more!

With your support, I can continue generating content using artists across genres, increasing the talent pool of independent, self-employed artists, introducing new talents to the community and creating fresh, creative content.  With your support, independent talent can have a stronger voice, creatively.

This Patreon will fund the generation of new content every month on the Two Gargoyles Comics site, free of charge for viewing, and when there is enough for a comic-sized book, it will be gathered all together and made available for print or digital download sales.

So please– support our community, support independent comics, support what you want to see by becoming a Patron!

In Gratitude,
Michael McAdam