XANTHUS: The Light of Joy

“An alien energy being fuses its essence with a despairing man named Sean Preston and together they attempt to return joy to the world. Reflective and hopeful. If you liked Superman, you’ll love Xanthus!”

That’s the logline. That’s the elevator pitch. But there’s some deep discussion along with the heroics in Xanthus.

We open on a suicide attempt. That’s right. There’s no shying away from what is a core concept of the book—ultimate despair and the ability to fight it. Xanthus is an alien energy being, the frequency of which is utter, absolute joy—and, drawn to the depth of Sean’s despair, fuses with him in order to save his life.

Thus begins a journey of healing, of trying to understand the darkness both within and without—and learning how to combat it.

One of the caveats of joy is that, in humans, the emotion isn’t sustainable. No one lives in a state of perfect joy all the time. So how do we cope when the bleakness creeps in? We develop tools, skills to navigate the often choppy waters of emotion, seeking if not a perfect peak, then at the very least, stability.

Enter the dark energy being, Nubilus. It feeds on negative emotions, on despair and doubt, and therefore feeds endlessly, for those emotions are almost always present. Sean was himself a victim of Nubilus, and learning this prompts him to want to fight the being as well as the effect it has on others.

Thus is born the hero Xanthus, doing battle not only in the traditional superhero sense but in the inner landscape of the human psyche as well.

I wanted very much to write a book about human emotion, and about fighting depression, which emotion is so common these days. I am encouraged by the growing discussions around mental illness, and I wanted to contribute in an engaging, visual way.

I hope you enjoy Sean Preston’s healing journey—because I believe he represents all of us who have ever struggled to find the light in the darkness.

Get notified when the Kickstarter launches HERE: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twogargs/xanthus-the-light-of-joy-1

ARTIST WANTED for “Coven Cove!”


SEEKING ARTIST for small-town Witchcraft story! Good ol’ down-home supernatural horror/comedy, with a homey vibe and feel. Please ONLY APPLY VIA EMAIL: michael@twogargs.com with a link to your online gallery or portfolio; please include your page rates. Payment will be by PayPal only. Thank you and good luck!


It’s the final four days of the GLOAMING GRAPHIC NOVEL KICKSTARTER and we are so, so close to our goal! Check out HOW close by going to https://bit.ly/gloaminggn and see for yourself!

It’s because of readers like you that I’m able to do this, so give yourselves a big round of applause for bringing it this far! I know we can bring it all the way!If you (or anyone you know) likes the macabre wrapped in a mystery, and enjoys spooky small town stories featuring serial killers, voodoo, werewolves, and missing persons then this is definitely the deal for you!In other (fantastic!) news, I’ve been nominated in THREE categories in this year’s Sequential Magazine Awards! Sequential Magazine is THE Canadian Indie Comics news source; check them out at https://sequentialpulp.ca/sequential-magazine/

I’ve been nominated in the categories of:
Favourite Writer (Michael McAdam)
Favourite Letterer (Michael McAdam)
BEST COMIC (Xanthus). (You can read Xanthus FOR FREE on our website at https://twogargs.com/series/xanthus/)

Please, it would mean so much if you took the time to vote for me–every vote counts! You don’t even have to vote in all categories–if you don’t know anyone in another category, you don’t even need to fill it out! Vote today at https://bit.ly/SMAVOTE23

I’ll close by saying you’re a fantastic bunch of people to write for, and I hope to continue doing so for a very long time!

In gratitude,