Hey folks, an update from me regarding the COVID-19 virus: I’m at home, self-isolating. All foreseeable convention appearances have been postponed until we figure out how this whole virus thing is going to turn out.
But there’s a silver lining! More time at home means more time to create! Production continues with Thunder #3, Spectrum #2, Twilight Detective Agency #2, and the all-new Magickal Mister Punch #1, as well as the long-awaited Diaperman Meets Milk!
Also, did you know about the spin-off of TDA, “Twilight Detective Agency – GIRLS OUT?” It’s about two GIRL gargoyles on the run from their own people! Written and drawn by Mike Rieger! Check it out at https://twogargs.com/tdago/!
In the meantime, please enjoy this comic about the Coronavirus written by me, illustrated by Kyle Burles (with a cameo by Mike Rieger!)