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A Rainbow Of Fun Comics!


It can’t be said enough: TWO GARGOYLES COMICS are now available on DriveThru Comics at http://bit.ly/2gargdrivethru ! The entire library of Twogargs, digitally available! It’s never been so easy to jump on the Two Gargoyles train! #indiecomics #drivethrucomics #superheroes #gargoyles #magic #lgbtq


Calgary Fan Expo 2022 is in the books– and it was a success! This was the first Expo at which I had only comics and a novel– so, books only– on my table, and I beat previous years’ sales numbers with just the books! By golly, I think that’s a success, so I do!

We premiered a lot of books at the show! THUNDER #3, MAGICKAL MISTER PUNCH #1, GLOAMING #4 and my first novel, SPECIAL PROPER MAGIC!

Mike (@hawkstonedraws) Rieger was an indispensable table partner as we were not only debuting his book, TWILIGHT DETECTIVE AGENCY: GIRLS OUT, but for keeping me on track and recording sales and bagging and boarding comics as we sold them; “division of labour,” indeed!

Each day had its ups and downs, sales-wise– Thursday and Sunday were the most consistent.

It was also great to finally see the “con folks” in real life again, instead of just online. I bought books from Caanan of Occasional Comics (Max Overacts is hilarious and hits close to home for me) and the prolific(!) GMB Chomichuk (Dead Projects is something I’ve wanted to read for a while!)

Of course, the spectre of COVID loomed over us, but many people were masked and I guess we’ll find out how we all did in about two weeks! Still, I hope that conventions are back to stay; I have greatly felt their absence in my life!

Next con for Two Gargoyles will be Vernon Comic Con in Vernon, BC on May 7! See you there!


Twogargs has five titles in the CCBA Sampler! There’s never been a better time to see what Two Gargoyles Comics has to offer– FOR FREE! And check out all the other amazing Canadian talent! Follow the link and download 128 pages of comic goodness! https://theccba.ca/

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