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Punch #1 – Page 1

Oh hello, Punch. Come here often?

Magickal Mister Punch #1


SKU: 2GS - PUN1 Tags: ,


Tricks and Trouble in a Top Hat! IN THIS ISSUE: Sassy British mage Mister Punch introduces himself in the middle of an imprisonment predicament! We flash back to his earlier life as young Adrian Whitingham, student at Braselton School For Boys, who discovers a mysterious key, a winged gorilla, and a nefarious, magical professor, all of which help him discover an entirely new world…both literally and figuratively!

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The Origin of the Yellow Lantern Page 2

Page 2 of “The Origin of the Yellow Lantern”. Written by Michael McAdam, art by Jeff Batista, colours by Marvin Marvida. @DCComics #GreenLantern80 #GreenLanternCorps #yellowlantern #superheroes #yellowisnotalwaysfear


GLOAMING ISSUE #4 debuts with PAGE ONE today on Patreon! patreon.com/gloaming — with new pages biweekly! Support the thrilling horror of a small town in the pages of GLOAMING, by writer Michael McAdam and artist Kyle Burles ! #indiecomics #horrorcomics #horror #makecomics #thriller


NEW GARG TRACT is up on Tapas at https://tapas.io/episode/1754022 — “A PLAGUE OF THE SPIRIT” in which we warn you of the evil demon “CREATIVITY!” Oooo, scary! Go read now and fortify your soul against sudden inspirations and ideas! 🙂 #tracts #parody #comedy #twogargscomics #makecomics

Art is by the fabulous Kyle Burles (@kyohazard) and written by me!