Just to prove that there really are no new ideas under the sun, any of you remember the cuddly, kooky villain FURSONA from Diaperman #13 and #14?  He’s the guy in the bear suit.  Well, apparently he’s been moonlighting as a villain in ANT-MAN, as shown by this page spread from ANT-MAN #2!  Pretty cool, eh?  Probably angry that there’s been no new issues of Diaperman recently!

ANTMAN2015002001-col-cd7b6ANTMAN2015002002-col-dccb5 ANTMAN2015002003-col-2538c

3 thoughts on “DIAPERMAN VILLAIN in ANT-MAN #2??

  1. Awesome. That’s Grizzly… who is a classic Spider-Man villain.

    Who once did the whole Batman & Robin thing with another classic Spider-Man villain, The Gibbon. Both of them are pretty awesome.

    It looks like Grizzly will be an associate of Ant-man’s in the comic.

    He’s also on a very cool variant cover for an upcoming issue…


    1. Wow, Thanks, Beast! That’s some great info. Super proud–maybe he’s Fursona’s older brother who made something of himself.. 🙂

      1. Sounds like a crossover that needs to happen.

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