Just over 48 hours (at the time of this writing) before the campaign for DIAPERMAN MEETS MILK ends! Back it NOW before it’s gone! https://bit.ly/dmanmilk

Just over 48 hours (at the time of this writing) before the campaign for DIAPERMAN MEETS MILK ends! Back it NOW before it’s gone! https://bit.ly/dmanmilk
SAMPLE PAGE from DIAPERMAN MEETS MILK! This 48-page full colour comic is now on Kickstarter at https://bit.ly/dmanmilk until April 14, let’s back that campaign and bring this comic to LIFE! Art by the fantastic Jeremy Thew, written by Michael McAdam!
JUST LAUNCHED! Our flagship character, DIAPERMAN, returns from hiatus with his sidekick SLEEPERS for an all-new adventure–crossing over into another universe! Meet MILK, the Diva of Dairy, as they join forces to fight demons, circus freaks, Fatman and The Seaman, and the devious Ninja Tina! Back this project NOW at https://bit.ly/dmanmilk
DIAPERMAN MEETS MILK, the long-awaited crossover issue featuring Two Gargoyles Comics’ first character, DIAPERMAN, introduces MILK, the diva of dairy, created by Jeremy Thew. Get ready to pledge by going to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twogargs/diaperman-meets-milk?ref=1e4nhi&token=fc1dd247 and click “Remind Me” to get a notice when it goes live!
DIAPERMAN MEETS MILK is in the final stages of Kickstarter readiness! Head on over to Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twogargs/diaperman-meets-milk?ref=1e4nhi&token=fc1dd247 , leave feedback, but most importantly CLICK that “Remind Me” button to be notified when it goes live!