We've Got Issues:

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Sometimes I get so hung up on what merch I’m selling, I forget to highlight the entire point of this whole affair– THE BOOKS THEMSELVES! Five titles.  Two Graphic Novels. Individual issues and more to come, all available digitally or in print from Indyplanet.com!  Pick up an issue or two today- support independent creators and enjoy fabulous stories and art!


Buy Me a Coffee, Wiki Wiki Wow

Silly title today– just enough to capture the essence of the couple of new things I want to talk about.  If you look to the right, on the column that goes down the side, you’ll see this new button:  “Buy Me A Coffee.”  It’s a really cute set-up from the folks at Ko-fi.com that helps artists and creative folks accept contributions once in a while in a spur-of-the-moment, don’t-tie-me-down way without having to commit large sums to a Kickstarter or monthly amounts to a Patreon (though you can do that, too). Feel like contributing to a Canadian Independent Comic Creator today?  Simply click on “Buy Me A Coffee” and donate whatever you wish! (Full disclosure: I will probably actually buy at least one coffee if you contribute. Creativity needs fuel, after all!) I’m also really pleased to announce the inclusion of Two Gargoyles on the Canadian Independent Comic Book Wiki.  These folks — and you can follow them on Twitter as @cancomicswiki — are doing great things to increase awareness of, and build a stronger presence for, Canadian-created indie comics. I’ve already listed my whole library on there, and will be adding character bios for all my characters once I begin receiving the art for each character from the incredibly talented Jeremy Thew. (Hint: the Buy Me A Coffee button helps with that, too!) I’m very excited about the work I’m doing with Two Gargoyles in 2017. I think this is the year where I go “next level” and learn more, do more, create more, and most importantly, get the work out to more people. I’m really looking forward to having you all on the journey with me.


Preview of Gloaming 3

Work in progress for Gloaming 3, with art by Kyle Burles, written by Michael McAdam. Doug Carter flees through the woods at night as though Hell itself is hard on his heels… and maybe it is! Have you read Gloaming yet?  If not, or if you have and want a refresher, start with Issue One right here: https://twogargs.com/gloaming-3/ Interested in supporting Indie Comics?  Two Gargoyles Comics has a Patreon Page (where Patreons get to see the ENTIRE page preview and not just one panel!) at: https://www.patreon.com/twogargs


I’ve decided that every Sunday will be a “Spotlight” on a different Twogargs character, a slightly more in-depth look at the folks that make up the worlds and stories of Two Gargoyles Comics. Kicking it off is our shining, rubber-clad example of Canadian super-heroism, Thunder!