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Punch #1 – Page 1

Oh hello, Punch. Come here often?

Magickal Mister Punch #1


SKU: 2GS - PUN1 Tags: ,


Tricks and Trouble in a Top Hat! IN THIS ISSUE: Sassy British mage Mister Punch introduces himself in the middle of an imprisonment predicament! We flash back to his earlier life as young Adrian Whitingham, student at Braselton School For Boys, who discovers a mysterious key, a winged gorilla, and a nefarious, magical professor, all of which help him discover an entirely new world…both literally and figuratively!

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FEATURE Fridays on Twogargs!

Welcome to the first ever FEATURE FRIDAY– where I spot-feature some of the great products Two Gargoyles makes! Each item makes a great gift for yourself or the comics nerd in your family- and each design comes in a variety of great items! Today I’ll be focussing on Travel Mugs– take your favourite character on the road, with your favourite beverage! Featured here are Mr. Punch, Riverdale, and great Canadian hero, Thunder!  Click on each photo to be taken to the ENTIRE LINE of character merch, including posters, notebooks, greeting cards and more! Remember, every sale helps Two Gargoyles Comics bring you great independent, Canadian comic books!  Thanks for supporting the indie arts!


I mentioned how I was inspired by the amazing Graphic Novel, “Love is Love,” right?  Well, here for Valentine’s Day is a special two-page adventure starring Thunder and Code Monkey from my comic, “THUNDER,” in support of the Love is Love movement.  Couldn’t get it coloured in time for Valentine’s, but a coloured version IS coming!

Love is Love

Love is Love is a graphic novel created in the wake of the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, as a benefit and means of support in the aftermath of that tragedy. All the writing, art, editing was donated by some of the greatest creators in the industry. All proceeds from its sales go to the victims, survivors and their families.  

I finally got my copy and read it, and it moved me to write the following:

I’m reading Love is Love and I’m crying with each page, with each story. Not because of the horror, not because of the pain, but because of the beauty.

Because of the heart in each word, in each drawing, in every colour;

Because of the overwhelming sense of belonging that each and every one of the creators involved with this book makes me feel;

Because of the strength that radiates out from these pages;

Because of the hope that this community has come together to give me.

I want to be with all of these people.  I want to be part of these creators, I want to hopefully, one day, please God if you’re listening, have something I write reach out to someone the way Love is Love has reached out to me.

We are so strong. God, so strong. Our love is incandescent, strong as a rising tide, primal; not just same-sex love, queer or “different” love, but our human love for each other, as allies to each other. 

I’m crying because Love is Love is the unmasked face of humanity at its best, at its deepest and most caring. 

I’m crying because I know that this exists in the world, because I have the proof on paper, between two covers that say Love is Love. And because I’m happy. 

We will continue to love, we will never stop dancing.  We will never stop living in truth no matter how hard it may be sometimes to find that truth.  We will never stop creating beauty.

I will never stop writing about it.

Love is Love.

—Michael Feb 3, 2017

If you would like to support Love is Love, or perhaps know someone that needs to know they aren’t alone, you can order a copy here.  


Folks, it’s Thunder Thursday here at Two Gargoyles Comics.  Won’t you please help spread the word about this fabulous half-Norse, half-Canadian superhero?  He’s SO friendly!  You can share this poster around, and tell your friends to follow his adventures right here every Thursday on Twogargs!


The major influences that I feel strongest about this year. (left to right, top to bottom):  ElfQuest (ALWAYS), Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman), Locke & Key (which seized my imagination with its fairy-tale AND horror qualities), TV’s Wonder Woman (grace, beauty, strength, wisdom), Gargoyles (a revolutionary cartoon that taught us not to talk down to your viewers but instead, elevate and include them), Henry David Thoreau (because I too wish to live deliberately), Alpha Flight (my first Canadian super-team), The Bionic Woman (her stories felt deeper to me than her male counterpart’s), The Magician’s Nephew (C.S. Lewis’s Narnia was a mesmerizing land full of wonder and magic), Silent Hill (the creepy milieu, whose stories always center around the protagonist’s requirement to understand why they’re there in the first place before escaping, is just such classic psychological horror paired with the supernatural), Stephen King (my father began my voracious love of the horror genre with King’s books), and Dungeons and Dragons, which helped unlock the gateways to my own imagination and sharing it in a group to create shared narratives and stories.