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Punch #1 – Page 1

Oh hello, Punch. Come here often?

Magickal Mister Punch #1


SKU: 2GS - PUN1 Tags: ,


Tricks and Trouble in a Top Hat! IN THIS ISSUE: Sassy British mage Mister Punch introduces himself in the middle of an imprisonment predicament! We flash back to his earlier life as young Adrian Whitingham, student at Braselton School For Boys, who discovers a mysterious key, a winged gorilla, and a nefarious, magical professor, all of which help him discover an entirely new world…both literally and figuratively!

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XANTHUS #1 Coming to Kickstarter!

THIS FRIDAY 5th of JULY! Fight the darkness alongside XANTHUS as the newest Two Gargoyles Comic launches on Kickstarter! With stunning art by Mark and Marvin Marvida, this tale of a being able to turn despair into joy is sure to be a winner! http://xanthus.twogargs.com !