C4 Winnipeg: The Worst Convention I Have Ever Attended.

TL;DR I will never return to C4 Winnipeg. The convention is horrible from start to finish.

Okay, so here’s the story of C4 Winnipeg 2017.

Not too long ago, before the advent of mainstream organizations taking over conventions, they were run by well-meaning but inexperienced volunteers. It was considered standard for there to be hiccups, miscommunications and confusion in every process from registration to teardown.

Nowadays, we’ve seen a better way: We’ve seen competence, organization, and we’ve experienced being treated with respect by people who know what they’re doing.

Which is why C4 Winnipeg was such an unpleasant shock.

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Hey Gargeteers,

Be sure to drop by Lethbridge, Alberta’s ENMAX CENTRE this weekend, November 14 & 15, and see Michael McAdam at the Twogargs table right beside Kyle Burles of Kyohazard Illustrations !  We’ll be happy to sign copies of our co-created comic, Gloaming, for you!  We’ll also have posters, magnets, fun merch and more, so stop by!



Whew!  After the busy explosion of Edmonton Expo, the dust has settled here at Two Gargoyles and has given me a chance to reflect on what I learned at the show.

Firstly, let me say that the organizers of EE (and also Calgary Expo) do an amazing job.  Things were spot on, well organized, communication was fabulous, everything worked out perfectly from start to finish (insofar as my registration, set-up and con-related experience as an exhibitor went).

Every convention is about more than just sales:  It’s about market trends, creative trends, new ideas, new people, networking, representing yourself, and being able to talk about your work to tens of thousands of strangers– and then knowing you’ve got to do it all again for the next convention.


Big shout-out to my “Artner,” Jeremy Thew, for his amazing ACEO Art Cards available at the Twogargs table, and for stretching himself creatively by connecting with other fandoms.  Also excited by how he got his amazing Cintiq Companion up and running– that baby’s an amazing art tool, that’s for sure, and it makes me even more excited for Jeremy’s upcoming projects!

Connecting with other creators is perhaps the biggest motivational boost a convention can provide.  There’s familiar faces, like my friends Sarah and Beth at Crafty Geeks— always a laugh riot with them.

A highlight, though, was meeting up with the Calgary Drink and Draw group, a seriously-motivated group of fellow creators, writers and artists alike, who meet weekly here in Calgary.  Anything that keeps the motivation and inspiration going is fantastic– sometimes, living inside your head (where the ideas are) can be a lonely, isolating experience!  I’m looking forward to occasionally Getting Out Of The House (a task of Herculean proportions) and hanging out with these fine folks.

I’m looking into ways to increase production speed for my books, as well as increase awareness of them.  Naturally, I’ll post when I discover things!

Onward and upward,
