Well folks, our deadline has come and gone and we weren’t successful… THIS time.

Kyle and I have learned a lot from this process, (and hey, this was our very first Kickstarter!) so we WILL be trying again in the New Year.

Currently, we’re thinking March 2018 to re-Kickstart, and in the meantime we’d love to hear your feedback on what worked for you, what you think might work better, and what didn’t work.

There are SO many successful comic Kickstarters out there, we have faith that we’ll get there; we just have some re-tooling and fine-tuning to do! We’re SO grateful for all of you who believed in us, and we hope you’ll rejoin us in March to make Gloaming #3 a reality! In the meantime, keep your eyes on Twitter: @Twogargs and @Kyohazard, and don’t forget our main websites: www.twogargs.com and www.kyohazard.com !

If you want, you can send us feedback through here or at twogargs@gmail.com!

In gratitude,

Michael & Kyle


We’re SUPER PROUD to present our very first Kickstarter, NOW LIVE at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twogargs/gloaming-3 !

Please support Canadian Indie Comics! Our Horror comic Gloaming has already had lots of fan-love for the first two issues, now see what a third issue could bring!

Some of the rewards for pledging your support:

-Digital and physical copies of Gloaming #3
-Digital and physical copies of the entire Gloaming set
-Your name on the Two Gargoyles website Thank You page
-Variant Cover edition (limited)
-Room key to the Verfall Inn
-Limited edition “Greetings from Gloaming” sketch card by artist Kyle Burles
-Have your likeness drawn into the comic!
-Be drawn as the Sheriff of Gloaming
-Be drawn as the MAYOR of Gloaming!

And above and beyond all that, the joy of knowing you, yes YOU, helped create a comic book and bring it into the world. Way to go, you!

We have 42 days to fund the project. Our goal: $4500.00.  With your help, we CAN do it!

Much love,

Michael & Kyle.