Mr. Lawson and Templar discuss a deal, in order to facilitate Templar’s revenge on Thunder! THUNDER #2 Page 14 now on with art by Mark and Marvin Marvida! #indiecomics #canadian #superheroes

Mr. Lawson and Templar discuss a deal, in order to facilitate Templar’s revenge on Thunder! THUNDER #2 Page 14 now on with art by Mark and Marvin Marvida! #indiecomics #canadian #superheroes
Devon finishes recounting the tale of his encounter with Korun to his therapist. Hey, a superhero has to have SOMEONE to talk to! THUNDER #2 Page 9 now on with art by Mark & Marvin Marvida! #indiecomics #superheroes #canadian #therapy
The amazing David Gallart creates a thoughtful pose that tells us that even superheroes need a coffee break sometimes! Patrons get to see the whole pinup at #indiecomics #canadian #superheroes
Thunder flies off to do battle with a Frost Giant which has mysteriously appeared near Vancouver. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Korun tempts Code Monkey to come along to witness the battle, as Korun judges Thunder’s prowess. All this and a surprise guest appearance!
Writer: Michael McAdam
Artist: Mark Marvida
Colours: Marvin Marvida
28 pp, full colour
My interview in SEQUENTIAL MAGAZINE is now published! Download for any donation amount at