We've Got Issues:

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Well folks, our deadline has come and gone and we weren’t successful… THIS time. Kyle and I have learned a lot from this process, (and hey, this was our very first Kickstarter!) so we WILL be trying again in the New Year. Currently, we’re thinking March 2018 to re-Kickstart, and in the meantime we’d love to hear your feedback on what worked for you, what you think might work better, and what didn’t work. There are SO many successful comic Kickstarters out there, we have faith that we’ll get there; we just have some re-tooling and fine-tuning to do! We’re SO grateful for all of you who believed in us, and we hope you’ll rejoin us in March to make Gloaming #3 a reality! In the meantime, keep your eyes on Twitter: @Twogargs and @Kyohazard, and don’t forget our main websites: www.twogargs.com and www.kyohazard.com ! If you want, you can send us feedback through here or at twogargs@gmail.com! In gratitude, Michael & Kyle

C4 Winnipeg: The Worst Convention I Have Ever Attended.

TL;DR I will never return to C4 Winnipeg. The convention is horrible from start to finish.

Okay, so here’s the story of C4 Winnipeg 2017.

Not too long ago, before the advent of mainstream organizations taking over conventions, they were run by well-meaning but inexperienced volunteers. It was considered standard for there to be hiccups, miscommunications and confusion in every process from registration to teardown.

Nowadays, we’ve seen a better way: We’ve seen competence, organization, and we’ve experienced being treated with respect by people who know what they’re doing.

Which is why C4 Winnipeg was such an unpleasant shock.

Continue reading “C4 Winnipeg: The Worst Convention I Have Ever Attended.”