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A Rainbow Of Fun Comics!

Punch #1 – Page 1

Oh hello, Punch. Come here often?

Magickal Mister Punch #1


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Tricks and Trouble in a Top Hat! IN THIS ISSUE: Sassy British mage Mister Punch introduces himself in the middle of an imprisonment predicament! We flash back to his earlier life as young Adrian Whitingham, student at Braselton School For Boys, who discovers a mysterious key, a winged gorilla, and a nefarious, magical professor, all of which help him discover an entirely new world…both literally and figuratively!

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FUN STUFF in 2025!

Got some seriously fun stuff coming your way in 2025 from Two Gargoyles Comics! Meet Riverdale & Roark from my book, “Twilight Detective Agency!” Read TDA for free right here on the site! Art by Miguel Puerta, colours by Kyle Burles!

I AM (a) CANADIAN (super hero)

Years ago, there was a Molson Canadian beer commercial where a character named Joe rants about what it means to be Canadian. It electrified Canada, as it was to date the most national pride ever espoused publicly; we are, after all, a quiet and reserved bunch. But “I am Canadian” became a standard, an oft-quoted piece of Canadiana that served to unite us, to remind us of who we were, and to stand proudly because of it.

A beer commercial, for god’s sake, but a classic rant for the ages, nonetheless! Here, today, I present my Canadian super hero, Thunder, with his own version of the classic rant. Words by Michael McAdam, art by Joe Davis.


I drink Slurpees in wintertime. 

I put on a toque, not a beanie.

I wear shorts when it’s snowing outside.

I know the difference between “poutine” and “Putin.”

If I break my arm, it’s free to have it fixed.

I live where a moose can walk through the drive-thru at the Tim Horton’s.

I have a Prime Minister, not a Governor, and we will NEVER be the 51st state.

I believe in the rule of law, not a cult of personality.

I am polite, but I am in no way weak.

We are the first nation of “fool around and find out,” and our country is as vast as our courage.

We do not tolerate intolerance; we accept all people as they are, in our cultural mosaic.

We are the country of Anne of Green Gables, and Anne Murray. We produced Captain Kirk and Superman. We invented basketball, the zipper, the telephone and insulin, among others.

Canada is the True North, Strong and Free, and we are second to no one.

My name is Thunder, and I AM CANADIAN.

Starting Off With A Bang!

Change is in the air, and the breeze has been strong enough to knock me this way and that!

Internal changes at Two Gargoyles Comics have left me freer, more inspired, more “boundless” in terms of energy, creativity and wanting to try new things!

I just got back from a business trip (who schedules a business trip on January 1st? Apparently, I do) where networking and forming relationships (new ones and firming up old ones) were at the forefront of the hurly-burly of activity.

Coming home, I hit the ground running: I did a spreadsheet to organize my thoughts on everything I wanted to achieve plus all the deadlines I could think of for my work this year. It was heady; it was affirming—heck, the pleasure it gave me to actually seize control of my destiny (on paper, anyway) was like a phoenix cry as it rises from ashes to become itself.

I’m very excited for the projects I’m working on in 2025, which include but are not limited to: A secret collaboration with a well-known creator, one (perhaps two) new comic titles to launch, learning (I just received Seth Godin’s This is Marketing and This Is Strategy books which I intend to devour) and Kickstartering several new issues of my existing titles!

And, thanks to my spreadsheet, whenever this New Year energy wanes, I’ll have a clear plan already laid out to keep me on-task. I cannot overstate how awesome it is for someone with my “everything everywhere all at once” brain to have A Plan. It’s amazing!

Bearing in mind that every year has its ups and downs, I will leave you with this axiomatic advice:

“There is a time to fish, and a time to mend nets.”

We all want to be fishing when we’re “up,” but on days we can’t be “up,” those are the days we mend nets — concentrating on other aspects of our business or enjoying a break from it all. (Sometimes the net you mend is your own neural net! Give your brain a rest sometimes!)

All the best to all of us in 2025!



Oh man, where do I begin with this year? Although your mileage may vary, mine was fabulous, with new and exciting things personally and professionally in the world of Two Gargoyles Comics!

Let’s begin with a summary:

Joining Substack was, I feel, one of the best decisions I made all year; the connection with other creatives has been nothing short of inspiring, and therefore invaluable!

Too, this year I connected with experienced creatives on a personal level as well as a professional one, and that has definitely expanded my horizons! I’m even working on a secret project with one of them (that I can’t talk about yet—this is my first “secret” project!) that excites me!

I travelled this year, to Chicago, New York, Santa Cruz and Denver, among others. Each trip resulted in learning, growth and expansion of what I had thought I was capable of to the discovery that there was more out there—that there is always more than we know!

I was invited to be a commentator on Wendy Pini’s most excellent Masque of the Red Death Blu-Ray. It’s a gothic romantic tale set in the future, a retelling of Poe’s short story with depth, heart, and horror. It’s exquisite and you should grab a copy or watch it on Amazon Prime Video!

Also, there was some company restructuring at the end of the year that consolidated my efforts and set me free to pursue bigger and better things in 2025, which lights a fire in my soul and makes me excited to look forward to the new year’s possibilities!

Happy 2025 to you all, may all the best and brightest in your world collide with the greater world out there, and benefit all thereby!

Michael McAdam

Dec 30, 2024


Merry Christmas from the gang at Two Gargoyles Comics! Bright blessings to you and yours this Holiday season, however you celebrate! And yeah–sometimes even superheroes need to pick up a shift as a Mall Santa! Art by Damian Lopez.