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Punch #1 – Page 1

Oh hello, Punch. Come here often?

Magickal Mister Punch #1


SKU: 2GS - PUN1 Tags: ,


Tricks and Trouble in a Top Hat! IN THIS ISSUE: Sassy British mage Mister Punch introduces himself in the middle of an imprisonment predicament! We flash back to his earlier life as young Adrian Whitingham, student at Braselton School For Boys, who discovers a mysterious key, a winged gorilla, and a nefarious, magical professor, all of which help him discover an entirely new world…both literally and figuratively!

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Twogargs now in Fredericton, New Brunswick!

You can now find every Two Gargoyles title at the fantastic Strange Adventures in Fredericton, New Brunswick (and very soon in Halifax, Nova Scotia as well)! Visit your local comic shop and check out local creators– we all need each other to help comics thrive!

600 Likes on Facebook!

Been meaning to put this up for a while: Two Gargoyles Comics passed 600 likes on Facebook back in December! Big huge thanks to Cody Conyers for drawing this commemorative art featuring the stars of all five TwoGargs titles! For more info, check out https://twogargs.com ! #indiecomics #canadian #superheroes #horror #parody #comedy #lgbtq #supernatural