600 Likes on Facebook!

Been meaning to put this up for a while: Two Gargoyles Comics passed 600 likes on Facebook back in December! Big huge thanks to Cody Conyers for drawing this commemorative art featuring the stars of all five TwoGargs titles! For more info, check out https://twogargs.com ! #indiecomics #canadian #superheroes #horror #parody #comedy #lgbtq #supernatural


Howdy Gargeteers!

Back from FanExpo in Toronto!  Very well organized, well-run con considering its size (huge!) and its location (smack dab in the middle of downtown Toronto!).  I (Michael) had a lovely table setup in Artist’s Alley.


Sales were slow for me, but what I lacked in selling I made up for in learning and inspiration.  Mike and Lisa Rieger, both experts in design and detail, gave my table a once-over and talked to me about “maximizing” my display to attract better attention.  Which worked– after they used their Fairy Sales Magic to move things around, sales picked up.  Cleverness!

Also, got introduced to Lar deSouza by my old friend Heather Bruton.  Every morning, Heather and I would gab about the Business of Art and Creativity and refresh each other’s inspiration; when Lar joined us on the third morning it was electric.  The exchange of ideas has me singing with energy to produce more, better and with more clarity, than ever before!

Did you know I live-reported each day of the con on social media?  That’s right– on Twitter (@Twogargs), Tumblr (twogargs.tumblr.com) and Facebook (facebook.com/twogargs/).  But I’ve also JUST started an Instagram account specifically for Twogargs– if you were following livemike317 before the convention lease follow Twogargs (https://instagram.com/twogargs/) now.

One of the results of my con-fueled inspiration is that I’ve started a Kickstarter account! (https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/twogargs) Feel free to follow me to see what I’m up to, and WATCH THIS SPACE because Kickstarter is going to figure prominently in the Two Gargoyles’ future!

Another is that Kyle Burles and I have submitted our comic, Gloaming, to Shadowline comics for consideration as part of their line.  Wish us luck– it could mean stepping up to the big(ger) leagues!

Also, with Mike Rieger’s help, I’m going to be updating the twogargs.com site to better reflect the expanded direction I want to take the site in, and we’ll also be including new offerings such as webcomics for you to enjoy and keep visiting the site!  It’s all very squee-worthy, at least in my book!

redandwhitelogoAll this and the Red & White Expo in Calgary this weekend!  Kyle and I will be there!  Will you?  Sunday, SUNDAY SUNDAY! (the 13th of September)!

Remember, as our Two Gargoyles say, “Keep Looking UP!”