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Xanthus #1 – Page 1

Out in the depths of space, energy dances, coalesces, reforms. One of those energies is the frequency of Joy.

Saskatoon Bound!

Saskatoon Expo logo That’s right, on Friday Kyle Burles and I jet off to beautiful downtown Saskatoon for our very first ever Saskatoon Expo!  Things are a little crazy getting ready here, but I’m looking forward to meeting a new audience and sharing my books with them!  Be sure to follow twogargs on Instagram (or Twitter) for pictorial updates! Many thanks to my friend Sherri for making some ‘meme art’ with Twogargs characters on it for me to comment on Facebook with. 🙂 tipofthehat


calgaryredandwhiteSo you remember how I was saying I have two shows back-to-back in September?  Well, now there’s THREE. I will be exhibiting at the Calgary Red & White Expo this weekend on Sunday, September 11th.  Details are on the website at http://www.comicandtoy.ca/shows-list/2016/9/11/fall-comic-toy-expo ! It’s a one-day-only show, smaller and more intimate than the other Expo-type shows I exhibit at, but the great thing is that gives me more time to connect with fans and the fans, more time to browse without feeling hurried or rushed or intimidated by crowds.  It’s a real feel-good atmosphere for everyone and I always love being at this show! I’m launching some new items this month, including copies of Gloaming #2, and a special convention edition of Spectrum #1! Other new merchandise at the con will include:  Krampuspresso buttons, and a new corporate-logo button:  GARBUCKS.  That’s right, Gargoyles have taken over your local Starbucks and re-branded it.  If you like green apron coffee and supernatural creatures, you’ve simply got to stop by the Two Gargoyles table at the Expo. And hey, remember your ABC’s– you know my Superhero Groins and Superheroine Boobs posters?  Well now, I’ve made a deck of playing cards– that’s right, playing cards– all 52 guy and gal parts now adorn a deck you can play with! Also, don’t forget there will be scads of poster prints available as well as stickers and magnets!  Come on down and see– doors open at 10 a.m. and the show runs til 5!

August 31, 2016

Spectrum01banner I’ve made a promise to myself that I will now begin to make posts every Wednesday, to connect with my readers and keep you all abreast on what’s happening in the Twogargs world! The indie comics world (at least for Twogargs) is never static; there’s always something going on!  Books are being either written, drawn, inked, colored or lettered before being published; merchandise is being created and produced in an effort to subsidize the aforementioned books; conventions are being attended to promote the books and the brand: fighting for that all-important recognition in a sea of talent and creativity. It’s a rush.  There’s really no other way to put it.  Each time something gets completed, I feel like an actor who’s rehearsed for weeks, finally getting that two minutes of applause at the end of that night’s show: it makes it all worth it. I have two “current” books:  The second issue of my horror comic, Gloaming, is complete and indeed is available to read online (one new page per week) on the site:  https://twogargs.com/comic/gloaming-2-page-01/ to start at the beginning.  (If you haven’t yet read the first issue, then start at https://twogargs.com/comic/gloaming-1-01/ ) The second is Spectrum, an LGBT teen superhero comic.  I wanted to debut this at Pride-Con this year but a) the con was cancelled and b) I couldn’t get it coloured in time.  What I did do is create a special “convention preview” issue, all in black and white, to introduce folks to the comic while waiting for the colour version to come out. Those black and white issues are only available from me at conventions; once the colouring (done by the fabulous Gav Heryng — https://twitter.com/GavHeryng) is done, I will begin to publish the pages here on the site just as I do for all my other comics. However, my Patrons get to see a sneak preview of the comic!  If you haven’t considered supporting indie comics before, this would be a great way to start– for as little as a dollar a month you can see the first three pages of the comic, plus more in-progress behind-the-scenes stuff every month! Check out https://www.patreon.com/twogargs !

Thanks, Michael

Two Shows in September!

Hey, Gargeteers! Are you ready for September?  Back to School, a flurry of activity–and no less so for Two Gargoyles, as we will be at TWO shows, back-to-back, in September! Saskatoon Expo logo Firstly, on September 17-18, Kyle Burles and I will both be at Saskatoon Expo for the very first time!  It’s always exciting to try a new show, meet new people, and exhibit our work for a new audience!  Looking forward to seeing what Saskatoon has to offer!  Look for Two Gargoyles at Table 1215 in Artist’s Alley! Edmonton Expo logo Then, the very next weekend, Jeremy Thew joins me at my table for Edmonton Expo!  Our friends Kyle, Lisa, Mike and Sara are all heading up to Artist’s Alley — Two Gargoyles will be at table F10!  Our friends are all a bit spread out this year, but that means you get to have more fun exploring the Alley to find them all! September promises to be a very exciting month with these two shows so close to one another; it may be tiring but it definitely promises to be exciting as well!  And with two fabulous opportunities such as these, I sure hope to see you in September!


GLOAMING #2 available for digital download!

jodysgarageExciting news!  Gloaming Issue 2 is now available for digital download from the good folks at Indyplanet.com!  Simply click on this link to be taken to the download page, where you can read the ENTIRE second issue all at once! The print version is also available for purchase, for those of you that like the crisp feel of a physical comic book in your hands and the heady smell of printer’s ink in your nostrils! As always, I will continue to publish one page a week for FREE here on the site, every Monday!  Read at your own pace– or BINGE READ the entire thing from Indyplanet!

