Here’s the new Facebook profile graphic I have for Two Gargoyles Comics’ table location at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo!
Tag: calgary expo
Calgary Expo: Where to Find Two Gargoyles Comics
Of course you all know, don’t you, that the amazing Jeremy Thew will be joining writer Michael McAdam at the Two Gargoyles table at the Calgary Comic Expo? Here’s a handy-dandy floorplan of the BMO Centre at the Calgary Stampede fairgrounds, and lookit– conveniently marked with our location!
To say that Calgary Expo was a success would be an understatement. Two Gargoyles Comics broke its previous year’s sales record, and the comics and art were well-received.
Standing out amongst the books was Twilight Detective Agency #1, still going strong as our top seller. Haven’t read it yet? You can order it here, for print or download!
Jeremy Thew’s art prints were a hit; he had such luminous images as Rogue, Wonder Woman, and the White Queen on offer. I’m encouraging him to set up his own site so they can be made available outside of conventions– stay tuned for more on that! He was also sketching like a madman at the table, coming up with ideas for future cons so stay tuned!
The Thunder Graphic Novel tied neck-and-neck with Diaperman for sales; I’m thinking now that there needs to be a convention special crossover comic! The Titan vs. the Toddler! Because YOU demanded it! Okay, you didn’t, but you were sooooooo thinking about it. Admit it. Just admit it.
In terms of merch, much was made of the Krampuspresso Mugs, as modeled here by Jennie, a very satisfied customer (and coffee connoisseur)!
Shout-outs to Ningen Headwear, Crafty Geeks, and the talented Lucas and Carol-Anne of Hermit Sherpa for being great convention people, table neighbours (the former) and awesome drop-by friends (the latter).
Thanks also to the amazing con staff at the Calgary Expo! They continue to bring their “A” game every year. This expo is a “must attend” every year if you are at all interested in anything pop culture oriented!
Now comes the rest, planning, and brainstorming for next year– but within 30 days I’ll have a table at the Panel One Creator’s Festival, here in Calgary, and as it’s the first year for such an awesome creator-driven, creator-focussed one-day festival I’m really looking forward to being blown away. The event has a Facebook page here if you want more awesome details!
Oh, and didn’t I mention that it’s THUNDER THURSDAY?? Issue 3 of Thunder is now completely posted online, you can now read the entire first three issues for free here on the site!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend if you weren’t at the Expo, because if you were, then I already know you DID!
Come see us this weekend (INCLUDING THURSDAY!!) at the Calgary Expo! Writer Michael McAdam (Thunder, Gloaming, Twilight Detective Agency, Diaperman, Spectrum) and artist Jeremy Thew (Twilight Detective Agency, Diaperman, Spectrum) will be manning the table ready to sign copies of their comics!
There’s also other fun merchandise like the Superhero ABC’s, Superheroine ABC’s, Puck pucks, Gargoyles magnets and more! Come give us a look!

Show hours are: April 16 – 4pm to 8pm, April 17 – 12pm to 8pm, April 18 – 10am to 7pm and April 19 – 10am to 5pm! FOUR DAYS of awesomeness with Two Gargoyles Comics!