That’s right, Two Gargoyles has launched its very first t-shirt on, and it’s THUNDER! There are also other great products like phone cases and travel mugs with this design, but RIGHT NOW, the T-shirt is on sale for only $14.00!  Normally, it’s $20.00!  So buy now, and wear with Canadian Superhero pride!


Hey folks! This Feature Friday we’re focussing on THUNDER, with some great art prints of everyone’s favourite Norse Canadian Superhero!

Thunder’s image is on many fantastic products including posters, mugs, phone cases and more! Surf on over to and order your favourite items today!

Or if you’re near Calgary this Sunday, March 12th, stop on by the Two Gargoyles table at the Calgary Red & White Comic & Toy Expo and pick up a poster!


RivcoffeeHi, Gargeteers!

The site has been refreshed, retooled and updated!  Now you can see the latest pages of posted comics, including a snazzy thumbnail of the page; navigate instantly to any page of any uploaded comic series!  Just use the drop-down menu on the right side of the page under “Comics,” and select the series you want; then on the following page, select “Jump To” to go to any part of the comic!

The menubar has been updated with the all-new, all-important SHOP option– now Two Gargoyles merchandise is just one “gimme dat!” button away– and with Christmas coming, fun comic booky stuff is available just in time for the special someone in your life– even if it’s you!

All of this is made possible by the talents of Mike Rieger of !  Major thanks for going “under the hood” and making things work!  Mike also made the sexy, snazzy new slider graphics at the top of the home page that talk about our comics!


You may have noticed that there’s now an update schedule at Twogargs! Every Monday there will be a new page of Gloaming, every Wednesday there will be a new page of Twilight Detective Agency, and every Saturday there will be a new page of Diaperman!  This will allow our fans to stay current and have their memories refreshed for our stories, as well as inviting new readers to get to know our comics and characters.  Please, do spread the word and invite your friends to come to for FREE comics!

Occasionally we will have a “Sunday FUNday” comic, our own Twogargs-related webseries “In The Wings,” a series of behind-the-scenes gags about our characters’ lives when they’re not actually “in character” in their own comics.  The newest one is up today!

I hope you’re all having a great weekend– and happy American Thanksgiving to our friends south of the 49th parallel!

Warm wishes,






Calgary Expo 2015 FloorplanCome see us this weekend (INCLUDING THURSDAY!!) at the Calgary Expo!  Writer Michael McAdam (Thunder, Gloaming, Twilight Detective Agency, Diaperman, Spectrum)  and artist Jeremy Thew (Twilight Detective Agency, Diaperman, Spectrum) will be manning the table ready to sign copies of their comics!

There’s also other fun merchandise like the Superhero ABC’s, Superheroine ABC’s, Puck pucks, Gargoyles magnets and more!  Come give us a look!

Groin Products!
Can you name them all?  A, B, C...
Can you name them all? A, B, C…

Show hours are: April 16 – 4pm to 8pm, April 17 – 12pm to 8pm, April 18 – 10am to 7pm and April 19 – 10am to 5pm!  FOUR DAYS of awesomeness with Two Gargoyles Comics!