And Max, from our horror comic Gloaming, written by Michael McAdam and drawn by Kyle Burles, has something to say:
You’ll splish too.
Buy Gloaming in print or digital from Indyplanet here!
And Max, from our horror comic Gloaming, written by Michael McAdam and drawn by Kyle Burles, has something to say:
You’ll splish too.
Buy Gloaming in print or digital from Indyplanet here!
Fresh from the fantastic Calgary Horror Con, and I want to capture some of my thoughts on the show.
Firstly, it’s expanding– last year there were two dealer’s rooms, this year there were three! Celebrity guests included Doug Bradley and Ashley Laurence (from Hellraiser) and John Kassir (voice of the Cryptkeeper) as well as Zach Galligan (Billy from Gremlins) and others! Attendance was also up from last year, to the point where there was a line-up to get in as the show opened on Saturday.
The show seems to attract all types of fans: families, individuals of all ages; there’s no “set” demographic that I could really discern. I saw a family of four in full costume from four different movies, fans in their 60’s and 70’s browsing tables for curios and photos; girls and boys, women and men. It was lovely to see!
Traffic was steady and flow-through was good in our room on both days, with brief lunchtime lulls and a dwindling crowd in the last hour of Sunday.
I love Horror as a genre, though it’s never been as intrinsic to me as to my friend Kyle Burles, the artist on our shared Horror comic, Gloaming. The first year of the show, Kyle had a table by himself, and because it was slow he asked if I wanted to come down and set up some of my stuff and share a table with him; we had such a good time, I’ve come back every year.
Two Gargoyles Comics produces a rainbow of comic book genres- Superheroes, Comedy, LGBT, Noir, and Horror- and at first I thought of Horror-Con as a small supplement to a very specific audience, but I was in error. The fans are of course delighted by horror offerings but are interested in others as well!
This year, my comics seemed to fly off the rack. Gloaming 1 and 2 were very popular, of course, being the “Showcase” comic for this show (in fact, on Saturday afternoon I had sold out of Gloaming #1 and had to rush home to grab more inventory); but also there was interest in the Gargoyle Noir/Comedy Twilight Detective Agency, and half-Norse God half-Canadian superhero Thunder. Folks also enjoyed the cartoonish Diaperman (I actually sold out of his graphic novel at the show!) and there was also love for LGBT hero Spectrum. I sold 60% of my 4-day Calgary Expo numbers of comics at this show– to a whole different audience, which made the show amazingly worthwhile!
It’s worth noting that for the first time ever (and we’ve been doing shows together for eleven years), my comics sales exceeded Kyle’s print sales, and his sales are always incredible! Perhaps this was the year for fans to broaden their horizons? Who knows? It’s frustrating for all creators/vendors to try to anticipate the market, because it seems we never can, but I will appreciate success where I find it and that’s for sure!
According to its own website, Calgary Horror Con is “The first and largest convention in Canada dedicated to Horror,” and this seems to be corroborated by actor Dick Warlock (Halloween) who, in his CBC News interview, said “The crowd has been tremendous… this show is as good or as big as any I’ve ever been to.”
“Hello, and welcome to Gloaming. A nice place to visit…”
Those were the words prefacing the very first issue of Gloaming, written by myself in tandem with Kyle Burles, with art by Kyle. We are both very pleased to announce that Gloaming #2 has been sent off to the printers, but will debut first on, and update one page per week. Once issue #2 is available for sale on, I will make an announcement so you don’t have to wait to read the story!
Gloaming is a foray into the horror of a small town; although there may be supernatural goings-on, it’s always been my opinion that there’s never anything more complicated, devious, or frightening than people.
If you enjoyed Gloaming #1, buckle up– the ride’s about to get bumpy.
Hey Gargeteers!
Had a fantastic weekend in Lethbridge, Alberta with Kyle Burles at the Lethbridge Expo!
It was a great time with a fantastic venue– the Enmax Centre is an entire arena, with a great layout and lots of room to expand. It was very cool to have the artist alley on the upper level overlooking the convention floor; it gave me the sense of knowing where everything was and being able to see the entire Expo all at once. Too, being right near the entrance doors is a huge bonus for traffic!
I’d like to see this convention grow. If you’re in Alberta, it’s totally within driving distance– and that works for BC, Saskatchewan, Montana, Idaho and Washington, as well! Check out and come give it a try next year!
You may already have seen pages from current comics updating on the site now– that’s right. Two Gargoyles now updates THREE TIMES A WEEK — a new page of our horror comic Gloaming on Mondays, Twilight Detective Agency on Wednesdays, and Diaperman on Fridays. It’s important to me that those of you who read this blog get to know the comics I write and get a chance to read ’em! The hope, of course, is that you enjoy them so much you support them by purchasing what you like!
As a special treat, I’m uploading the VERY FIRST Twilight Detective Agency story, what we call “TDA #0,” which is the very first case our loveable gargoyles, Riverdale and Hawkstone, solve together. Back when we first created TDA, it was a webcomic– the format is different and the character designs are very early concepts of the duo; art by Mike Rieger (who very much wishes you to understand that this is very old art and to not judge him for it. 🙂 )
Look for the site to have an update to its look and feel soon; thanks to the tender loving webcare of Mike Rieger, Two Gargoyles will have greater functionality, navigation and exciting new opportunities to get cool stuff!
What’s happening with Thunder? Short answer: Fantastic things. Thunder issue #5 is over half done, with the talented Myk Emmshin at the helm; amazing colouring by Levy Ramirez are giving the book a very polished, amazing feel.
But wait, there’s more– Thunder issues 1-4 are going to be gathered up into the very first THUNDER GRAPHIC NOVEL— with ALL NEW ART. Yes, that’s right. All 96 pages of art are going to be refreshed and made new! In 2016 Two Gargoyles will be looking into Kickstarter or Patreon crowdfunding options to make that dream a reality, so if you’re a Twogargs fan, spread the word, bring people to the site and let them get to know our work!
In the meantime, please enjoy our new update schedule and look forward to the new things coming to you from Two Gargoyles Comics!
Michael McAdam and Kyle Burles, respectively author and artist of Gloaming, will have a table at the Calgary Horror Con, June 20 & 21, in Calgary, Alberta at the Clarion Hotel on 2120 16th Ave NE.
Copies of GLOAMING #1 will be on sale, with your chance to get it signed by both author and artist, as well as TWILIGHT DETECTIVE AGENCY #1, written by Michael!
Kyle has some great new products available that are geared towards horror fans! Look for new prints starring some of the fabulous Horror-Con guests (like Jeffrey Combs), and a secret reveal– hint: the man is a Saint…
All this and much more will be available on the table– so come on down and see us! Tickets only $25 for the whole weekend!
Check out more details at the Calgary Horror Con website!