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TDA:GO #1 Page 1

For the record I don't speak Czech, so I'm open to translation suggestions!


Whew!  After the busy explosion of Edmonton Expo, the dust has settled here at Two Gargoyles and has given me a chance to reflect on what I learned at the show. Firstly, let me say that the organizers of EE (and also Calgary Expo) do an amazing job.  Things were spot on, well organized, communication was fabulous, everything worked out perfectly from start to finish (insofar as my registration, set-up and con-related experience as an exhibitor went). Every convention is about more than just sales:  It’s about market trends, creative trends, new ideas, new people, networking, representing yourself, and being able to talk about your work to tens of thousands of strangers– and then knowing you’ve got to do it all again for the next convention. BatmanHugsRobin Big shout-out to my “Artner,” Jeremy Thew, for his amazing ACEO Art Cards available at the Twogargs table, and for stretching himself creatively by connecting with other fandoms.  Also excited by how he got his amazing Cintiq Companion up and running– that baby’s an amazing art tool, that’s for sure, and it makes me even more excited for Jeremy’s upcoming projects! Connecting with other creators is perhaps the biggest motivational boost a convention can provide.  There’s familiar faces, like my friends Sarah and Beth at Crafty Geeks— always a laugh riot with them. A highlight, though, was meeting up with the Calgary Drink and Draw group, a seriously-motivated group of fellow creators, writers and artists alike, who meet weekly here in Calgary.  Anything that keeps the motivation and inspiration going is fantastic– sometimes, living inside your head (where the ideas are) can be a lonely, isolating experience!  I’m looking forward to occasionally Getting Out Of The House (a task of Herculean proportions) and hanging out with these fine folks. I’m looking into ways to increase production speed for my books, as well as increase awareness of them.  Naturally, I’ll post when I discover things!

Onward and upward,



gambitpose11x17Hey folks!  Come see artist Jeremy Thew and writer Michael McAdam at this weekend’s Edmonton Expo, in Artist’s Alley at table B-4!  Jeremy’s got two new prints– Storm and Gambit of the X-Men!  And Michael will be signing copies of Gloaming, drawn by Kyle Burles (who will be at table D-12!), Twilight Detective Agency and Diaperman (with art by Jeremy!) See you all in Edmonton this weekend!  

Calgary Red & White Club Show!

michaelbaymaxAlthough it was a small, one-day show, the Calgary Red and White Expo was great for Twogargs’ sales!  Although larger shows may offer more traffic for Artist’s Alley, smaller, more intimate shows give one a much greater chance of connecting with one’s audience!  Sales were good, and having time and space to chat with fans and peers alike made this show a “must-do” for the future.  Already looking into next September’s show! Highlights were:  sharing a table with Kyle Burles — he has such good energy and as the artist on Gloaming, adds an extra bit of oomph to sales (and fan discussions of ) our comic at the table. There’s a definite community “feel” to the show; our group of friends have been attending it for years now– this was our first time exhibiting at it.  Familiar faces, veterans of the comic and toy collecting communties, and family events like a kid’s costume show (but seriously, guys, TURN DOWN YOUR MICROPHONE)!  It was a good feeling and a great way for kids to get a little break from the hubbub of “Back to School.” My personal highlight?  I MET BAYMAX.  So there. BIG WEBSITE ANNOUNCEMENT! You may already be aware that twogargs.com is updating, going through some changes.  Part of the reason is that, starting today, Twogargs will be making its comics AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ONLINE.  Yup, you read that correctly– there is now a “Comics Archive” link at the top of the home page that will take you to our comics page where you can read what you’ve been missing or re-visit old favourites!  I’ve started with Diaperman, the comic that started it all– I’m posting pages from the Complete Series Graphic Novel– including the writer/artist commentary written by me, Michael McAdam, and original artist Mike Rieger. I’ll be posting a new page every day so you can follow along.  Also, there’s a series category for “Behind the Scenes” — in which one-shots like “Two Gargoyles Texting” will pop up every so often!  If you like randomness, you’ll like Behind the Scenes. Onward and upward!



Behind the Scenes at Twogargs

Mike Rieger made me this great comic with interchangeable panels so we could make comics about the kinds of things we discuss every day.  Riverdale and Hawkstone of Twilight Detective Agency are our personas, and this is your insight into the riveting world of indie press comic companies, folks. I give you:  Two Gargoyles Texting. elephantking  


Howdy Gargeteers! Back from FanExpo in Toronto!  Very well organized, well-run con considering its size (huge!) and its location (smack dab in the middle of downtown Toronto!).  I (Michael) had a lovely table setup in Artist’s Alley. fanexpotable Sales were slow for me, but what I lacked in selling I made up for in learning and inspiration.  Mike and Lisa Rieger, both experts in design and detail, gave my table a once-over and talked to me about “maximizing” my display to attract better attention.  Which worked– after they used their Fairy Sales Magic to move things around, sales picked up.  Cleverness! Also, got introduced to Lar deSouza by my old friend Heather Bruton.  Every morning, Heather and I would gab about the Business of Art and Creativity and refresh each other’s inspiration; when Lar joined us on the third morning it was electric.  The exchange of ideas has me singing with energy to produce more, better and with more clarity, than ever before! Did you know I live-reported each day of the con on social media?  That’s right– on Twitter (@Twogargs), Tumblr (twogargs.tumblr.com) and Facebook (facebook.com/twogargs/).  But I’ve also JUST started an Instagram account specifically for Twogargs– if you were following livemike317 before the convention lease follow Twogargs (https://instagram.com/twogargs/) now. One of the results of my con-fueled inspiration is that I’ve started a Kickstarter account! (https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/twogargs) Feel free to follow me to see what I’m up to, and WATCH THIS SPACE because Kickstarter is going to figure prominently in the Two Gargoyles’ future! Another is that Kyle Burles and I have submitted our comic, Gloaming, to Shadowline comics for consideration as part of their line.  Wish us luck– it could mean stepping up to the big(ger) leagues! Also, with Mike Rieger’s help, I’m going to be updating the twogargs.com site to better reflect the expanded direction I want to take the site in, and we’ll also be including new offerings such as webcomics for you to enjoy and keep visiting the site!  It’s all very squee-worthy, at least in my book! redandwhitelogoAll this and the Red & White Expo in Calgary this weekend!  Kyle and I will be there!  Will you?  Sunday, SUNDAY SUNDAY! (the 13th of September)! Remember, as our Two Gargoyles say, “Keep Looking UP!”